29-31 Aug 68


Representatives of the Bikini people, members of the T.T] government, the
AEC, the DOD, and the DOI estimate a cleanup of five yeBrs at a cost of
$2,961,000. Of this amount, it is decided to spend $100,000 in 1970 and 1971 to
renovate the Bikinians’ accommodations on Kili and $80,000 in 1P70 and 1971 for

renovations on Ujelang. The cleanup will be contracted to H&N Pacific test division,

andairlifting will be carried out by Military Air Command (MAC)

Sep 68

and the DOD."


The Marshall Islands legislature addresses a resolution to Fresident Johnson
on the poor living conditions on Ujelang and requests that a date be set for the
return of the Enewetak people to their atoll.’”
21 Oct 68


P.L. 90-617 increases the funding for civil government in the T. T. from $35

million to $40 million for 1969 and $50 million each for 1970 and

7971. In addition,

the Secretary of the Interior is given the power to appropriate fundsfup to $10 million
"to alleviate suffering and damage resulting from major disasters"


Surveys held in conjunction with the Bikini cleanup

reveal no "striking

differences between the 1967 and 1969 average values [of radionuflides] for edible”

marine animals. In addition, present radionuclide levels and distribution are not
expected to changesignificantly, except for decreases due to physical decay. External
radiation measurements and foliage collections are done by the US. Public Health
Service (USPHS), and the Laboratory of Radiation Ecology (LRE) Handles the other
sampling and prepares the analyses.'””

Jan 69


President Johnson transmits a $1.7 million budget request tq Congress for FY

1970 for the cleanup, housing and village center construction, anq initiation of the

replanting program on Bikini and Eneu Islands.”
17 Jan 69


.The DOD agrees to join the AEC in the cleanup of Bikigi Atoll and will

provide $300,000, equal to the AEC contribution, to start this efforg’”
11 Feb 69


A ten-point agreement between the AEC and the D
apportions the responsibilities involved in the Bikini cleanup. Whi

of the DOD

the DOD will
manage the cleanup, "the AEC contractor will provide planning, pngineering and

Select target paragraph3