10 May 67


P.L. 90-16 appropriates $25 million for 1967 and $35 million each for 1968

and 1969 "for the continuance of civil government for the T.T.]... and for other

21 Aug 67


President Johnson submits a proposed joint resolution to Congress for the

creation of a commission on the status of the T.T. to develop rec bmmendations to

establish self-government in Micronesia.'”
20 Oct 67

Approximately 300 Eneweta k people on Ujelang board a 14 supply ship and
demand to be moved to Majuro.
ey are angered by the lack pf food and poor
conditions on Ujelang.’*’

28 Feb 68



Officials from the DOI, the National Security Council, the D D, the DBM and
the division of operational safety (DOS) of the AEC, and the T. conclude that

resettlement of Bikini Atoll would soon result in external exposure levels

approximately double that of the "average U. S. population,” but singilar to that of the

residents of the Colorado Plateau.

Burying or plowing the soi

“presumably” reducing this exposure to "near average levels,” wou

however, while
also reduce the

island’s fertility. In addition, consumption of local produce wou yield cesium'”
burdens 20 to 50 times that in the U. S. during the 1963-1964 [lout period, but
these levels could be reduced to those “deemed acceptable ... in recent years" by

limiting local food sources and providing substitutes.’

March 68


Conard discovers two more children with thyroid nodule 5 and decides to
bring four more people to BNL. Three of these four have not resp: ded to hormone
therapy and the fourth is a 29-year-old woman with an “unidenti ied tumor in the
neck lateral to the gland.”

14 March 68


Representatives of the Enewetak people and the T-T. hi h commissioner
amend the 19 November 1956 agreement concerning the "use of ewetak Atoll" to
give the high commissioner more discretion in how trust funds ar invested.'™
13 May 68

For the Bikini cleanup Martin B. Biles, director of the AEC/ ops, recommends
the removal of contaminated scrap metal from Bikini to make th efradioactive scrap
unavailable to native collectors."”

Select target paragraph3