7 Dec 66


Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall advises AEC Chairman Seaborg that the
DOI is "most anxious to determine whether the Bikini people caf now be returned
to their homeland" and asks the AEC to review the issue at the "earliest opportunity.”
Udall’s primary concern is that the Bikinians’ plight might convin¢e all Micronesians
to vote against permanentaffiliation with the U.S. in their upconfing plebiscite.'”


BNL studies conclude, "with increasing probability,” that
h retardation in
"some of the Rongelap children" has resulted from "hypofunction of the thyroid

24 Jan 67


Officials from the University of Washington, BNL, the DOI,

FRC, and the AEC,

including the Health and Safety Laboratory (HASL) of NYOO,decid® to resurvey Bikini
Atoll to determineif its people can be returned there. Ed Held is selected to plan the

Mar 67



Conard diagnoses a new case of nodules in a 17-year-ol@ boy. Of the 19
children under age 10 exposed in 1954, 16 have "developed thyro# pathology,” with
two displaying hypothyroidism. To date, 11 people have been operated on andall
are in "good condition with no further ... abnormalities." Those ghildren who have

not been operated on are receiving hormones.’”

Apr - May 67


The AEC undertakes a survey of the Bikint Atoll to detefmine "levels and
components of external gammaradiation fields." Cesium’is foungi to be the "major

contributor ... to the total exposure rate” on Bikini and Eneu Islands, and because of

its 30.5 year half-life its "levels on Bikini ... are likely to be thej limiting factor in
assessing the long term hazards” to repopulating the island.”'”*
An agricultural survey of Bikini Atoll finds that “while a smal part of theatoll
was damaged by the nuclear explosions, the atoll as a whole coul@ support coconut
groves and subsistence crops." In addition, fish and seabirds
frould provide an
"extended supply of sustenance." It is recommended to begin anf"early agricultural
rehabilitation program” to prepare the islands for resettlement.
Such a program is
expected to last four years and cost $165,000.’
An anthropological study of the Bikinians and their leaders reveals that most
are dissatisfied with Kili and wish to return to Bikini."”

Select target paragraph3