7 Nov 55


As part of a radiological study, the AFL takes biological and spil samples from
the Marshall Islands."


The NRDL and Walter Reed Army Medical Center study radi uclides in urine
samples of the Rongelapese.'™
A radiobiological analysis indicates contamination durin g this year of reef
fishes of Rongelap andAilinginae Atolls, probably from Operation Redwing, conducted
during spring and summer 1956."**
7-14 Feb 56


The NRDL collects soil and biological samples on the Marghall Islands for
radiobiological study.'"*

9 Mar 56


The Marshallese Congress Hold-over Committee petitions he UN Visiting
Mission for



cessation of lethal weapons test in their home islands or, if such tests are
necessary, for taking all precautions prior to explosions to mave humans and

their possessions to a safe distance;

instruction of inhabitants and their physicians in safety measur
adequate compensation of evacuees; and
satisfaction of land claims of Bikini and Enewetak evacuees.'”

6 Apr 56


Herzel Plaine of the office of the AEC general counsel descriljes the Marshall
Islands as a Class C category mandate andindicates that the U.S. intndsto treat the
T.T. as an integral part of the U.S. in order to apply the laws of emfnent domain to
conducting the nuclear tests in the T.T.'"
24 Apr 56

Current medical examinations indicate that the Rongelabese show no
conditions related to radiation effects but that they are restless
se of inactivity
and social tension among themselves and with other groups.'”

5 May - 22 Jul 56

The U.S. conducts nuclear weapontests at Enewetak and Bikini in Operation

Select target paragraph3