niobium™ and ruthenium'®-rhodium™ contribute most of this act#ity. The NRDL
team reports cesium’ as the major radionuclide in land animals arg island soil and
lagoon water contaminated principally by ruthenium'™-rhodium™ [and zirconium’®niobium”.
6 May 55

The AEC finds acceptable a land agreement between the Dep&rtments of Navy
and the Interior on the T.T. with the understanding that the Navy will pay for
Enewetak and Bikini Atolls and that the AEC will be given an opportunity to approve
in advance the form and content of the agreements covering thosej
two atolls.'”

13 May 55

After agreement by the Navy and the Pacific islands T.T.
dfficers the Navy
Foreign Claims Commission completes settlement of the claims of Marshall Islanders
resulting from the March 1954 nuclear tests by paying totals of $14719.27 to Utirik
inhabitants and $5,162.53 to Rongelap residents in April and May.

8 Jun 55

According to AEC Chairman Lewis L. Strauss, Rongelap curregtly is unsuitable
for habitation because of radioactivity in the atoll’s northern islands "somewhat above"
exposures recommended by the National Committee on Radiation Plotection (NCRP)
(later named the National Council on Radiation Protection and Megsurements) and
the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Jand radioactive

contamination of mollusks and crustaceans, part of the natives’ diets{ in the southern
half of the atoll. According to D. H. Nucker, deputy high commiss@ner of the T.T.,
shellfish, especially crabs and clams, are traditionally part of the Rpngelapese diet.
Nucker considers the island’s shellfish too contaminated to eatJ Although the
Rongelapese have been alerted to the dangers of radioactivity Jin the residual
contamination in mollusks and crustaceans, Nucker explains

We anticipate something less than 100 percent cooperatian

in the

home...There simply is no practical way to police the peop

if they

avoidance of these areas and foods were the people
were to return home.


Consequently, Nucker recommendskeeping the Rongelapese on Ejit | sland for at least
another six months.'��°

5 Oct 55
K.E. Fields, general manager of the AEC, advises that repptriation of the

Rongelap people should be deferred until data from another planned Rongelap Atoll

radiological survey can be evaluated."
21-23 Oct 55

The AFL collects soil and biological samples in the Marshall fislands area for
radiological studies.’

Select target paragraph3