28 May 54


AEC Chairman Lewis Strauss requests the Secretary of la to consider

settling claims of the Marshall Islanders resulting from the wea n test activities
because the Federal Tort Claims Act precludes the AEC from a pvering Marshall
Islanders’ claims.”
3 Jun 54


Through a contract with the AEC the University of Hawaii rees to manage
the newly created Enewetak Marine Biological Laboratory on Medre istand, Enewetak
Atoll. The AEC/DBM provides policy direction and sponsorship. ne laboratory will
serve as a base of information about the systematics, ecology, and ife history of the
atoll’s flora and fauna.”
271 Jun 54


Maj. Gen. E. McGinley, U.S. Army chief of staff, lists the following as

responsible for the care and disposition of the Rongelap and Utirik tolls inhabitants:

Thomas A. Hardison as the CJTF-7 representative at Enewetak for t temporary care
and disposition of the Marshallese affected by Castle Bravo; CINCPIACFLT for overall
responsibility for restoration of atolls with AEC assistance and r the return of
inhabitants; the J.T. high commissioner for routine welfare an care; and the
AEC/DBMfor monitoring the physical conditions of the Rongelap anji Utirik residents.
The }TF-7 is paying for such matters as certain medical expenses r the evacuees,
replacement of livestock lost because of contamination, and the tonstruction of a

temporary village for the Rongelapese at MajuroAtoll.”
9 Jul 54

The DOD general counsel agrees to accept Marshall Islander ‘ personal injury,
damage, and private property loss claims received by the AEC
use the Foreign
Claims Act authorizes the United States armed forces to pay s


claims under

12-13 Jul 54


Participants in a conference on surveys and studies of the Marshall Islands
agree to the need for a series of long-term medical and environmenfal surveys for an

indefinite time of the Marshall Islands and their inhabitants affect
by the nuclear
weapon testing.
Dr. John Bugher assumes that the DBM wél bear financial

responsibility for such work but expects the trust territory to handl@ normal medical
care. "Our job is to see that it is done and that the facilities are rovided,” Bugher
says. 93

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