of the Marshallese, the “CMM consider restoration to preevacuation standards is

inescapable moral responsibility [of] both AEC and DOD..." (Posgibly “CMM”refers
to the commander.) Clarkson believes that CINCPACFLT shbuld be assigned

responsibility with AEC assistance for continued medical observatidn of the islanders

and accompanying radiological studies.”

27 Apr 54


Persons not affected or slightly affected by Castle Bravo have been moved to

a tent camp on Ebeye Island, Kwajalein Atoll, and the high commigsionerof the T.T.

expects the DODandthe AECto restore clothing and livestock and assure continued

medical checks as needed to the Marshallese evacuees.™

May 54


The Utirik residents are allowed to return to their island, hich Brookhaven

National Laboratory (BNL) physicians find "only slightly contaminattdttd and considered

safe for habitation.”

2 May 54
Bugher, the AEC/DBMdirector, reports that "it appears to

undesirable" for

Rongelap residents to return to their home for a year but that fhe health of the
islanders seems to be satisfactory.”

21 May 54

Commenting on the LASL analysis of data on plutoniugn excretion from
urinalysis of the Rongelapese, Gordon Dunning, AEC/DBMhealth physicist, questions
the reliability of the LASL data. According to the LASL data, thra@e of the readings
reported are above the maximum permissible body burden.”

24 May 54


Gordon Dunning of AEC reports that the highest strontiunf”
value on Naen
Island is 0.5 microcuries per square foot and on Rongelap 1.6 x 19’ microcuries per

square foot.

He adds that “only a small fraction” of the Rongelapese food supply

_ comes from island plants; that the calcium contentis significantly

greater than 1,000

poundsper acre and thus will correspondingly reduce the strontium uptake; and that
weathering may eliminate a small amount of the strontium acfivity. Therefore,
Dunning thinks that the amount of strontium” in the soils shold not prevent a

return of the Rongelapese to their islands.”

Select target paragraph3