"Memorandum of Understanding Between the Division of Méitary Application,
Atomic Energy Commission, and the Defense Atomic Support Agen , Department of
Defense, on Cleanup of Bikini Atoll," 11 Feb 69, Attachmen 5 in Wolff to
Cunningham, 19 Dec 75, Deal, Box 13, 4 Bikini, RG 326, DOE Ar

ives. [B36]

John A. Harris to Commissioners, 26 Feb 69, Secretariat,
7762, MH&S 3
Radiation Vol. 2, RG 326, DOE Archives [B39]; and L. M. Musti to Secretary of
Defense et al, 2 May 69, Secretariat, Box 7762, MH&S 3 Radiatio Vol. 2, RG 326,
DOE Archives. [B46]
John R Totter to Commissioners, 28 May 69, Secretariat,
Radiation Vol. 2, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B40]

7762, MH&S 3

Appendix A, Robert Miller, "Planning Directive, OC-11-3-6
Operation," 20 Mar 69. [12]

Bikini Clean-up

AEC Press Release M-108, "Conard Named to Monitor Biki ans," 1 May 69,
Secretariat, Box 7762, MH&S Radiation Vol. 2, RG 326, DOE Arch es. [B41]
Sutow and Conard, "The Effect of Fallout Radiation on Mars allese Children,"
p. 10. [15]

206. "Amendment to the Agreement in Principal Regarding the Use of Enewetak
Atoll," 19 Aug 69, Deal P. [B42]
John A. Harris to Commissioners, 8 Oct 69, Secretariat, Bo: 7762, MH&S 3
Radiation Vol. 2, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B43]
AEC 604/121, 28 Oct 69, enclosing Edward B. Giller to C mmissioners, 27
Oct 69, Secretariat, Box 7762, MH&S 3 Radiation Vol. 2, RG 32 , DOE Archives.


Kiste, The Bikinians, p. 180. [F1]

John R Totter to Chairman Seaborg, et al., 24 Apr 70, Secretariat, Box 7762,
Folder 3, MH&S-3, Radiation Vol. 3, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C1]
Martin B. Biles memo to files, n.d., Deal, Box 13, 4-1 BJkini Radiological
Survey - Resettlement, RG 326, DOE Archives [C82]; “Fact] Sheet - Bikini

Resettlement", 2 Sep 75, Deal, Box 5, Fact Sheet - Bikini Resettlemefit, RG 326, DOE

Archives. [C83]


Minutes of the 134th Meeting, Advisory Committee for Biol

and Medicine

(ACBM), 7-8 May 70, McCraw, Box 8, Minutes of Meetings ACBM eeting #101 to

#145, RG 326, DOE Archives. (G67).

AEC 604/138, 2 Jun 70, Secretariat, MH&S 3 Radiation Vol. B, RG 326, DOE
Archives [C2]; Tommy F. McCraw to Martin B. Biles, 5 Aug 70, De i P [C3]; Martin
B. Biles to Chairman Seaborg, et al., 17 Nov 70, Deal P [C4]; Bruce . Wachholz to
Theodore Mitchell, 21 Aug 79, Tab A, Deal, Box 13, Marshall Island 1979-1980, RG
326, DOE Archives. [C114]


Select target paragraph3