
"Amendment to the Agreement in Principle Regarding the


Martin B. Biles to Frank Cluff, 13 May 68, McCraw,


“Marshall Islands A Chronology,” p. 19. [A27]


"Marshall Islands A Chronology,” p. 19. [A27]


AEC 604/110, Enclosure 1, "Report of the Hoc Committ@e

to Evaluate the

MH&S-3 Radiation Vol. |, RG 326, DOE Archives [B32]; and F. T.
Jul 68, Secretariat, Box 7762, MH&S-3 Radiation Vol. |, RG 326,

Hobbs to File, 16
Archives. [B33]

Atoll," 14 Mar 68, Deal P. [B31]

Administration File #2), Unclassified Reading File 1969, RG 326,

Use of Enewetak
13, 5.1 (NEES
E Archives. [F23]

Radiological Hazards of Resettlement of the Bikini Atoll," Secrefariat, Box 7762,

Secretary of the Interior to the President, 25 jul 68, Secrefariat, Box 7762,
MH&S 3 Radiation Vol. |, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B34]

190. Appendix A, "Memorandum of Understanding Between the
Division of Military
Application, Atomic Energy Commission, and the Defense Atomic|Support Agency,

Department of Defense on Clean-Up of Bikini Atoll," Records Centeg
Bikini, RG 326, LANL. [12]

B-9 D-156, 635


AEC Press Release L-191, 12 Aug 68, JCAE General Correspotdence, Box 712,


Harry Anderson to James T. Ramey, 3 Sep 68, Secretariat,

Bikini Atoll, RG 128, NARA. [B35]

3 Radiation Vol. 1, RG 326, DOE Archives. [14]

Bpbx 7762, MH&S-

Tommy F. McCraw to Martin B. Biles, 15 Oct 68, McCraw, Bex 15 5.01 (NEES
Administration) File #1.1, Unclassified Reading File May - Dec 196B, RG 326, DOE
Archives. [F24]
David Black to Charles Zwick, 8 Nov 68, Attachment}]2 in Wolff to
Cunningham, 19 Dec 75, L. Joe Deal Collection (hereafter Deal), Box 13, 4 Bikini, RG
326, DOE Archives [B36]; AEC 604/115, 13 Sep 68, enclosing Edward B. Giller to
Commissioners, 12 Sep 68, Secretariat, Box 7762, MH&S 3 Radiatiog® Vol. |, RG 326,
DOE Archives. [B37]


"Marshall Islands A Chronology,” p. 19. [A27}


U.S., Statutes at Large, Vol. 82: 1213. [B38]

Edward E. Held, "Radiological Resurvey of Animals, Soils andjGroundwaterat
Bikini Atoll, 1969," NVO-269-8, Nov 69, McCraw, Box 9, Radiological Resurvey of
Animals, Soils & Groundwater at Bikini Atoll, 1969, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B45]

John A. Harris to Commissioners, 17 Jan 69, OGM, Box


Paul H. Nitze to Walt Rostow, 17 Jan 69, Secretariat, Box}7762, MH&S-3

Manager's Rdg. File jan. 16-31 1969, RG 326, DOEArchives.[11]

5541, General

Radiation Vol. I, RG 326, DOE Archives. [F34]


Select target paragraph3