examine nearly fifty referrals from the Marshall Islands health cae system and see
problem cases at the Majuro hospital. The pediatrician treats 1 children at island
sick calls.°"
26-27 Mar 90


Established by the BNL department of nuclear energy to pbtain an external
scientific assessment of BNU’s Marshall Islands radiation safety program, an

independentscientific review committee meets at BNL The committee reviews the

two radioanalytical methods and the dosimetric models used by BNL to estimate
radiation dosages. The committee concludes that the analytical
data from urine
collected in 1988-1989 are valid. The
p also advises that urinejsamples collected
prior to 1988 should be discarded because of flaws in the previousfanalytical method
and protocols for urine collection which did not protect against
committee finds that whole-body counting procedures were
guidelines of technical excellence and conformed to recogniz
recommends further quality assurance procedures and guidance f intake and dose
27 Mar 90


DOE Secretary Watkins directs the consolidation of m ical surveillance,
epidemiology, and other health matters into the new office of h salth. This order
includes the Marshall Island Program.*”

18 Apr 90

The PASO issues Operations Plan, Mission Number 90-4, for the standard
LLNL terrestrial investigations to be conducted at Bikini.*™
Harry Brown notifies W. H. Adams and C.B. Meinhold at BN L; W.L. Robinson
at LLNL; Joe Dryden at PASO, NV; and Roger Ray of potentia changes in the
managementof the Marshall Islands program. The Brown notificati follows charges
its work in the
by Rongelap leaders that DP cannot be objective in the conduct
Marshall tslands and recommendations by SPEERA that DOE’s m agement of the
Marshall Islands program be reassigned to the DOE deputy assi ant secretary of
health. Brown states that the latter office may assume program co trol directly with
BNL and LLNL and that NV may have no program management nction and may
ram transition
only provide logistical support. He asks the addressees to assist
to minimize disruption of work.*”

30 Apr 90

Dr. Charles B. Meinhold of the BNL departmentof nuclear e
sciences division, responds to David Weiman’s questions concerning
management, andscientific approval processes at BNL. Weimanis
Rongelapese. Meinhold remarks that in terms of determining prio

rgy, radiological
he organization,

lobbyist for the

ties for program
study, "DOE determines the overall need. Brookhaven determines the best way to

Select target paragraph3