1é, The PHILIP departed from Ailinginas at 1600M on 3 March and arrived
at the Naval Station Kwajclein at 03301 on 4 arch, The Marshallose
were disembarked during the morning of 4 March and removed to the Naval


On arrival, tho PHILIP was visitsd* oy Comnonder, Naval

Stcavion, Hwajalein, ond rsoresontatives of Commoender Joint Task Force


In spite of the willingness of the people to leave their homes
_—~ erstendable
nore we °
concern over the safety of the two slocps left
ohind at Eongelap and Sifo. These boats are a commumity assst for
Rouling copra and returning the basic food staples, medicines ond
clothing during the period thet Trust Territory field trip ships are
mot «available, Thsre was a considsreble amount cP copra in a drying
sred on Eniastok ond a smallor emount an Sifo.
It was most dish2artcning
to the Megistrate to leave tha copra behind since ho himself had praparod
che copra on Enicetok last weex, All livestock, including about one
hundred chickens and ten pigs were cbandoned om Rongelap. Two dogs wera
also left on the island, Since tho people were not given an cstimate of
the duration of their evacuction, the concern over the above itens will

ro dcubt increase as the absence from their homes grows longer,

18, It is recommended that aircraft periodically check tne condition
of the two Sloops at Rengelap and Sifo.
It is further recommended that some consideration be given to the transfer of livastock, copra and
céersonal belongngs on Roncelap, Sifo, Znisstok,. There is a possibility
thot these animals could be of much valus for sciantific research,


1S. The Marshallese wero excollant passengcors, most cooparative, nover
demanding and exomplarv in esnduct.
It was a distinct ploasure for ths
crew of tna FRiLIP to have been afforded tne opportunity to assist thesa




the need for leaving Fongelap. Eighteen (18) Marshallese wore transporvad from this island, Both this group, and John, assured the party
that there wera no Marshallese on any of.the other islands amd the
a7scuation was considersd compl3ted.
The sloop was anchored off the
isieond in a good lee, The same procedures for handling the 18 evacuses
from Sifo were followed as Gascrived in the precaeding parngraohs,

OAH, Eee ey

The party landed and John the Mazistrate once again explained








The ship then procecded to Ailinginse Atoll, Tho Magistrate
belis vad it possibla that a party was on Enibuk Island, A® party WAS
landed, conducted a thorough search but found no on3. The ship remained im the vicinity of Enibuk while the two whale boats proceeded
to Sifo Island. A sloop was sightod anchored in the lazoon off Sifo



Select target paragraph3