te crocacd at once @s best we could until the trast officitis arrived or
if necessary without them, it was roped taat we cigat find 2 missisocary,
a pidgin English native or even a trust representative asnore.

Consequently at about O740 the gig (26 ft. iB) wes leunched and a

czach party

was embarked with the executive Officer, LCDR V. kh. Easton, USN,

in charge. Hewas to try to gét ashore as soon as possible, orzgenize the
metives for evacuation and determine the best location and means for the

evacuation. Included in this party were the Fadseafe Officer, monitor, hos“ainan signalman, etc. «#8 soon as tnis carty shoved off, &@ second hi.B
s launched with ths Gunnery Officer in charge, who was to search along

the reef for a breax or a more favorable spot for sate boat handling in the





Now, as the boats left the ship, we commenced exscution of our plens
for receiving the natives on board. Awnings were rigzg q on the fantail with
side strips from the deck to the redge ropes,
life lines were
rigged for the safety of children. Fore and aft and vertical accesses to
tre fantail were closed or roped off and aynings rigged where necessary to
ensure privacy for tne natives.
The entire crew's wasaroom and head aft
(largest on toard) were set 2side for the natdves and for their decontamin-

avicn inasmuch as this is the ship's main stntion for this nurpose.
An outside salt water snower was rigged, a recertaclse was provided for their clothes
and sufficient clean dungerée snirts, trousers, ¢€tc., were raised by

to tne crew, to tnus clsotne all the natives.

cy closing off access to a 3" gun tub.

«a plg-pen was fasnioned

We planned to tether chickens to

iife lines on the O1 deck and lst the dogs roam free amongst tne cvopulace.


pV wR

ter picking up a bailed-out jet pilot 13st fall), which had a line

ned to it from the boat. 4iter some prvueress towaras the beach he
ared to experience aifficulity witn tne surf and some unseen force resultin



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Meanwnile, the Executive Officer and party aorcroeached the soutn snor
of the island at = point acout 1500 yds west of tne eastem tip. The isian
mere and elsewnere has 2 continucus outer osrimeter cf tasle reefs exteniing
some 40 yds. out into the water over whicn tne waves produced a surf of cidiun
size and presented considerable small boat hazard.
Having selected a point
the surf was slight and appeared to offer the best spot, whe ixecutive
r commenced paddling ashore in a small, one-man rubber raft (we nec-

in no progress. Considerable hucor and soms consém were evoked at sign of
tne Executive Officer furiously paddling, cach stroke whirling the raft 150



around but making no progress.
It was later determined thet the line fron
toat to tne raft nad fouled in the coral, securely ancnorrs him to seaward.
sy this tinc a few of tne nat:LV
rod ond seme of them swam out and
réiped him ashore anidst friend






beeen ey

Re ON ee

Navy JAF 912 seaplane errived from Kwajal






At about this time,
rm tné westem mart

Select target paragraph3