Figure 28. An area of atypical proliferating cells in a thyroid which had developed multiple discrete benign adenomas. H. and E.stain; x 49.

Figure 25. Autoradiograph ofsection through a nodule of
a thyroid with benign lesions. Lack of grains (superimposed blackening) shows that adenomain centeris non-

functioning. H. and E. stain; «9.8.

Figure 26. Section of thyroid showing 2 benign papillary
adenomas. H.and E.stain; x 9.8.


Figure 29. Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid showing
capsular invasion in a 41-year-old women exposedto fall-

out. This represented a discrete mass, as shownin Figure
24. There was no lymph node metastasis. H. and E.stain:
x 18.2.

Figure 27. Multiple clusters of what appear to be atypical

Figure 30. Papillary carcinoma demonstrating extensive

H. and E.stain; x 14.

stain; x 46.9.

proliferatingcells in a thyroid which contains several large
discrete adenomas. The lesions were considered benign.

connective tissue invasion within the lobe. This patient
had multiple cervical lymph node metastases. H. and E.

Select target paragraph3