chafter 2 - Personnel

Task Group 7«4 had the responsilility for the planning and estab-


lishment of personnel activities to support 31) officers and 1915
airmen during Operation HARDTACK,

The attached charts (Figures 1 thru

3) reflect the flow of personnel to the EPG during the Luild-up phase
and their chasing out as the operation neared completion.

This move-

ment of personnel to and from the PG was accomplished in accordance
with pre-determined schedules based on known mission requirements
during the planning and operational phases of HARDTACK.

In addition to determination of the total numbers and types of |
personnel that would be required to execute the Task Group mission,
it was necessary to provide the best possible personnel services while


keeping numbers of personnel specialists to a minimum. Consolidated

Personnel Sections were established in Test Services Unit(for all their

attached personnel) and in Test Base Unit (for TBU, TAU and Headquarters
personnel), providing records maintenance, classification and assignment and pay and personal affairs services.

Also, Test Base Unit, as

the Base support organization, was responsible for conduct of a Personnel
Services (Recreation) program and operation of a Personnel Classification

Board for all Task Group 7.4 personnel.
The Personnel Services Section coordinated with Task Group 7.2 on
scheduling of Inter-Task Group sports competitions, and maintained a
Special Services Supply, from which individuals could draw almost every
type of recreational and athletic equipment.

In all, more than $2,000

in recreational and athletic gear was purchased for use by Task Group
The personnel Classification Board convened by Test Base Unit met

on four (4) occasions, considering 18 cases involving Task Group personnel.

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Select target paragraph3