“*physicat exaninations ‘for the ‘people of Enewetok. ne o : rahe hecoalA . oa ne Obvionsy..the DOE : an * doesn't perceive how ‘eritical‘the present situation is, or they. wouldn't be v 1 ce ee tte weedanas fle aie s considering expanding the program. We have provided, in detail, ever the last “year, what additional resources and staff support would be needed to provide the types of expansion they are projecting. In essence we have already answered their questions and. obviously they have cither overlooked or ignored those documents. | In summary, they have again demonstrated their lack of knowledge of the information we have furnished them to be used as management planning documents. | This pattern of management is best categorized “crisis management.” in the management litcrature, This philosophy of manage~_ ment, on demand or by expeciconcy, is almost certain to fail in light of the complex political, cultural and scientific variables controlling this program. These are only two of many cxamples of lack of/for poor management techniques. In light of these seemingly unresolvable management problems, I wonder if the Department of Energy is the best avatlable management base? The answer should be considered in light of the recent National Institutes of Health management study of the Human Effects of Ionizing Radiation Programs and in light of current congressional interests in ‘the assignment of departmental responsibilitics for those programs. of influential congressmen (please sce enclosure 1) should be run by a division of NIH. 4 agree. either the Center for Disease Control (NCL) " A number feel that such programs The logical home would be (CDC) or the Rational Cancer Institute with assistance from the Public Health Service. operating a direct satellite link (please see enclosure ‘the CbC is currently 2) with Micronesia to deal with medical educabtion and clinical problems. This facility would dovetail beautifully with the Marshall Islands Study. Por over a year we have been aclively seeking information on existing teleconmmunication Links to be utilised ain the Ouker Telaads, am. aug, Neer en ans me, bagel Sere nm, Sarena ~ 8. } : oe