, : ° ' ‘ | : i i : ta denn etheneHn a ede eeNINMentenPentitn! wo SH» fades the Naval AirStation, Kwajalein tamination teame of Squadrons March until the arrival of the: ' ' The Trust Territory repregg and maintained @close Maison’ ‘They aleo rendered an invalugh) The authorswish also tole underatanding of their pradicg clinical laboratory tests to wi ‘ a greatly facilitated the callectiogl trate), Billlet (school teacher a : helpful. The ald of Harold J. AS “s biect date.°The:serieor io (villagedonorsanN : ” a Coolig@@imnd ¥. RaymondFosberg ithe Pa (National Research Council) inugiuplying specific-pyblic: pperting aspects of the present reportig ee t aincerely-spprecisteds hegre The authors are, in additiggiisspecially grateilto the’‘tollowing' specific contributions made ia e furnishingoyaidingin opi ab CHGUN L. G. Barr, the Radiphaiis Safety Offiner.cNAS,: Kwajeh decontamination procedures);Gglmeadiological‘guy a}] origina) veadings of the extagek radioactive}gontamtnation’ofthe Row CDR W, 8. Hall, MC, USN, ap@gyt J. 8, Thomjpson, MC, USN, Ct pensary, Kwajalein (collected@@iimetry readings‘and made R. E. Pletech and CWO J. Ae3ippal, stationed atRongerik and cooperation in the colleotigg a ' ‘ k The authors arc indebted-tol “§ of (rpndaced:S conti: otualdata:ooncerning. heapepiodof:ik