pete ma


. The final report of Projecti¢.§ contained detatled‘daformation concerning the clinica) -

| lesions,“ithe hematological studieg, and thein-

ong allan

observations and therapy, the’

ternal radioactive contamination'ef the 82 native:inhabitants of Rongelap-and Ailinginae
alojls who were exposed to radtoagtive fallout following the detonation ofBhot 1 at Bikini»:

on 1 March 1984. Elybicon nativegiwho were temporarilyreeiding or “ne at Sifo Is

land (Alingiuse Atoll) 1-3 Mapgkfare also Hetegy*xf
This addendum rcport containsthe following-eupplementery data regarding these
exposed Mwrehallese: (1) a detajiod sketch of Rongelap Village; (2) a brief description
of the islanders’ homes and theiuood and waten'supplies; (3) the varioup:family groups .

and the location of their dwellingap(4) events during:fallout: (5) the evagiation and de-~

2 Sa gatee aaplan iFoo Be

contamination procedures; andi(gyresdings of Cheraxtgrnal radioactive pteminatin of

these individuals.


The majority of this matexjaliwas obteinediaftertheMarshallose ware-evecusted

from their home islands (while<hey were undesimedioal observation atRwajaleia).

Additional information was obtained when either-one-or both authore a
fed radio~ |
logical eurvey tenma to Rongelegs These survey:tripg were made 26 March, 3 April,
and 21--23 Apri] 1954. Due to:

interpretationdifficulties, sometof the material

is incomplete or inaccurate sodtigreec to ongrestina a| nd revision byfare aurvey


Twenty-eight American Military porsonnel:stationed on Eniwetak Island, Rongerik

Atoll, were exposed to radioaottye fallout following the detonation of Shot:<$ at Bikini on

1 March 1954. The onset of vigiple fallout material»was observed at approximately
1400-490 hours, 1 Mareh. AmsAYN/Sa Recording Dosimeter, locatedon the tsland
(Eniwetak), gave firat positive-tadication that falloutparticles were radioactive. This

instrument went off weale at LOQgpe/hr at H plum@ hours and 46 minu
Authoritiog at Eniweiok werenotified uf fallout. via dispatch.


) of Rongertk --

were evacuated by plane to Kwajalein at 1245 and 1800 hours, 2 MarcheYollowing doe
contamination procedures the men were gent tothe tafirmary at Eni

observation and preliminary oigateal study. On 16 March, they were

Neebeaaie te:chem! hte

The exposure of theae Indjydduale afforded @ wiique opporiuuity to study the effects
of radtation in man and {t wae egpatdered deatrable supplement the clinical studies
with as much information sé pogpible concernigg the period of exposure. Accordingly,
these men were Interviewed fadividunily und asked to describe the fallout,their active
itles during the fallout, foods ead Haquida consumed, their clothing and hoysing, the

Usposition of fin badges, ete, “Jasolar aa possible, this information t-teoorded vere ,
hating in the present report. Tae report also {noludes A summary of theasiinterviews,

film-badge readings, anid veadiaga of the cxtorgal: radioactive contamination of the mep _:
before and during the devomaaalaetion ProcodaRmts



Jalein and placed under care the personacl of Project 4.1, ‘The detallgg
studies are presented jn the Gaghreport of Project 4-1.



2%, i


for clinical

Select target paragraph3