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Program Status:

Two types of surveys are being conducted at Rongelap, one

medical the other ecological.

The medical survey ie@ annual and is led by

Dr. Conard of Brookhaven; the ecological survey is semieannual and led by
Dr. Held of the University of Washington.

The two groups join forces for

the March survey.
The work of the medical group is outlined in the letter of July 15, 1958,

from Dr. Conard toDr. Bruner.
"The following plans and requirements are submitted for the proposed fifth
year post exposure medical survey of the Marshallese, beginning about 1

March 1959.

The anticipated schedule of medical examinations is ae follows.

About two weeks will be spent at Rongelap where the exposed and unexposed
comparison populations will be examined.

About 200 people are involved.

During this period complete histories and physical examinations will be
| done and laboratory examinations including two complete blood studies similar

to those carried out last year.

In addition whole body gamma spectroscopy

will be carried out.

On completion of these examinations at Rongelap, it is planned to proceed to
Utirik Island for the purposes of re~examining the children for growth and
development studies, and carrying out a limted number of whole body gamma

counts on a sample of the population.

It is anticipated that these examina-

tions at Utirik would be accomplished in about 3 days, after which the
majority of the team would return to Kwajalein and the United States.
should proceed to Majuro to re-examine the Rita Village children.
require only about 2 days and would complete the mission.

A few

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These latter plans

are tentative at this time.



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