Selection of personnel for participation is not complete.

However, it

seems likely that about an 18 man team will be required (as last year)
plus the assistance of 3 - 4 Marshallese medical aides in the field."

The ecology program is directed towards research that will lead to an
understanding of the distribution of radioisotopes in the plants, animals
and soils of the atoll.

Ae part of this program survey meter readings are

taken and collections of plants and animals, especially food items, are
made for the purpose of determining, quantitatively and qualitatively the
presence of radioisotopes.

The firet field trip of this program was March,

1958 although radicbiological survey trips had been made earlier.


second field trip was completed in September.

Report Status:

Report of the medical surveys are given in the following




WT-923, March-May, 1954.

Study of Response of Human Beings Accidentally

Exposed to Significant Fallout Rediation.

BNL .384 (T+71).

August 1955.

Twelve Month Postexposure Survey on

Marshallese Exposed to Fallout Radiation.


BNL 412 (T-80), March 1956.

Medical Survey of Marshallese Two Years

After Exposure to Fallout Radiation.


TID $358, July 1956.

Some Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Human Beings.

(5) BNL 501 (1-119), June 1958. March 1957. Medical Survey of Rongelap and
Utirik Peopla Three Years After Exposures to Radioactive Fallout.
The report of the most recent medical survey, March 1958, is scheduled for
publication in the BNL series about January, 1959.


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