

At present, the data have not been analyzed beyond a simple


Data will be statistically analyzed prior to preparing

the paper for presentation at the International Symposium on Transuranium Nuclides in the Environment to be held in November at San

In addition to the analyses for alpha-emitting actinides, selected
tissue samples from these animals were analyzed for gamma-emitting
radionuclides on the multiparameter system.

It is interesting to

note that detectable levels of americium-241 were found in rumen

0.028 + 0.003 pCi/gram,

and in wildlife tissues;

liver contained 0.36 + 0.03 pCi/gram.



At this time, comparison to

other results is not possible, as the radiochemical data are not
Dietary analysis of rumen ingesta continues.

As reported last year,

the favored plant species were two grasses, Hilarta jamesti and
Orhyzopsts hymenoides;

two shrubs,


seens; and one forb, Salsola paulsenit.

lanata and Atriplex cane-

The graphical description of

the diet of the fistulated steers is shown in Fig.

1 as relative

percentages of the three types of plants.
Vegetation is sparse but apparently adequate to maintain a herd of
six cattle remaining within the study area.

One cow, one heifer, and

two yearling bulls are in the outer compound, and one cow and one
heifer are in the inner compound.

All females are pregnant.

The study was originally designed as a five-year study, to be reevaluated at the end of two years.

This reevaluation would determine

whether to continue as designed, to modify, or to terminate the study
due to lack of any measurable uptake of radionuclides.


the analytical data are insufficient at this time to make the evaluation and decide whether to continue as designed, or modify, which are
the remaining two options.

Hopefully, these data can be accumulated

and interpreted during the next several months.

After receiving this

information, a decision can be made as to which animals to select and
the number of animals to sample during the scheduled July 1975
sampling period.


Select target paragraph3