In July of 1974, a contractor (the University of Nevada, Reno) was

selected to determine the dry matter and plutonium intake of grazing

animals at various seasons of the year, to determine the digestibility
of range plants grown on plutonium-contaminated soils, and to partition the quantity of ingested plutonium between that in the plant
versus the plutonium on the exterior of the plant.
The 300 fecal, ingesta, and plant samples specified in the contract
were collected during three 10-day sampling periods in July and
October of 1974 and January of 1975.

As of February 1,

University had completed 35% of the contract.

1975, the

This included 100%

completion of sample collection, 30% completion of the sample preparation, and 10% completion of the sample analysis.


With the single exception of the goat phases,

the maintenance and

sampling phases stated in the study protocol have been met.


of coyote predation, we have been unable to maintain a viable goat
As stated last year,

the greatest problems with this study are con-

cerned with actinide analysis.
Following the selection of an analytical laboratory, tissue and

ingesta samples were shipped for analysis in September 1974 and
February 1975.

As funds are not available for further analysis until

FY 1976, approximately 70 samples remain in cold storage.
include ail the samples from the July 1974 sacrifice.


Before the end

of the fiscal year, approximately 135 samples from the University of
Nevada, Reno, portion of the study will be submitted for actinide


it is anticipated that 205 samples will be carried

over and will be analyzed against FY 1976 funds.
The first raw data were received from the analytical laboratory in

February and March of 1975.

The key to the Nevada Applied Ecology

Group computer code used to identify these data was received in


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