intensive study sites.

To date, there are approximately 100 profiles

from Area 13, Area 5-GMX, Area 11, and TTR (Fig.


More profile

data will be available when analyses are completed.
In scanning through all the profiles, one is able to categorize each
profile into one of three classes:

(1) "high normal," where > 95%

of the radionuclide content is localized in the top 5 em;

(2) "low

normal," where there is insufficient radionuclide content to show
profile development; and (3) "abnormal," where there occurs radionuclide profile development at some depth other than, or in addition

to, the top 5 cm.

Fig. 4 shows what is considered a "typical" or

“high normal" profile.

That profile was taken from Area 13 in the

outermost stratum, furthest from GZ.
of the Pu is in the top 5 cm.

As the graph shows, the majority

What appears to be profile development

below 5 cm is open to question.

The level of Pu found in each incre-

ment may be the result of Pu migration but is so low as to be questioned on at least three fronts:


(1) cross-contamination during

cross-contamination during sample preparation,

statistical variation in laboratory analyses.

and (3)

The procedures for

sampling and sample preparation were designed to minimize crosscontamination,

but the statistical variation in laboratory analysis

may account for the observed results.

It is believed that any Pu

analysis resulting in radioactivities below 0.1 d/m/g from a 10-g
sample should not be directly compared to a sample of similar radioactivity.

Only after consideration of the variability generated in

obtaining the analysis should comparison be made.


difference could occasionally be found, particularly if hot particles
of Pu are present.
Closer observation of Fig. 4, however, does suggest that some Pu has
moved to the region 5-20 em by some mechanism such as:

(1) ion ex-

(2) complex migration, or (3) particle migration.

The profiles, then, range from the "typical" (Fig. 4) to the "abnormal"

5); a profile taken from Clean Slate 1, again in the stratum

furthest from GZ.

Here, in addition to a substantial portion of Pu

at the surface, there appears to be two additional bands of Pu--one
at 10 cm and one below 17.5 cm.

There is evidence that much of the



Select target paragraph3