overriding influence of highly radioactive particles, these results
are probably acceptable.


LASL-H7 was asked to prepare a series of large vegetation samples for
the purpose of checking the preparation procedure used by LFE and the
analytical methods used by contributing laboratories for Pu. Am, and
U analyses.

In designing such a program,

several problems have been


Details of the problems were presented to the NAEG in the hope that a
method which best suits the needs of the group will be indicated.


Over the several years that the NAEG has been in existence, a large
number of soil profile samples have been collected and analyzed.
LASL-H/ has submitted a synopsis of a paper analyzing profile data
for presentation at the IAEA Symposium on Transuranics in the Environment in November.
The paper will present a discussion of the profile data, attempting
to explain noted irregularities and to discuss observations in relation to (1) rooting depth of local vegetation,


surface redistribution by wind,

ical activities,

(2) burrowing animal

and other mechan-

(4} leaching of radionuclides to various depths, and

(5) decontamination and cleanup procedures.
The NAEG purpose of collecting profile samples from the intensive
study sites was to determine the depth to which Pu had migrated.
This information was used to establish a "surface sample" size (0-5
em) and to determine whether significant downward movement of Pu had

The information was used in inventory calculations for the


Select target paragraph3