improved detectors and methods for in situ quantitation of 23954 and
a major experimental program in
Future plans are:
24)an in soils.
FY 1976, at the GMX location in Area 5 under a wider variety of
meteorological conditions; participation in proposed trials of cleanup procedures; and further efforts to develop a general resuspension


Long-term health hazards associated with the release and terrestrial
deposition of pollutant material of low food-chain transfer are
partially attributable to the respiration of particles resuspended in
air due to atmospheric forces,

human activity.

or by disturbances resulting from

This pathway is critically important in the evalua-

tion of health hazards associated with processing of uranium ore,
liquid-metal fast breeder reactor technology, accidents involving
nuclear weapons, reoccupation of contaminated land areas such as
Enewetak and Bikini Atolls, and the environmental impact of current
and future uses of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration's (ERDA) Nevada Test Site (NTS).
The primary goal of the resuspension studies conducted in collaboration with the Nevada Applied Ecology Group (NAEG) is to develop a

general model for prediction of average concentration of pollutant
particles resuspended as a function of surface characteristics and
meteorological parameters following their initial ground deposition.
It is anticipated that independent variables in the model necessarily
will include the areal size and magnitude of deposition, particlesize distribution of the contaminant, particle-size distribution of
the host surface, soil-surface characteristics and vegetation cover,
time since deposition, appropriate climatological descriptions of the
area, and meteorological parameters that affect dispersion and redeposition.
A specific, secondary goal of the project is to provide input to the
NAEG, Nevada Operations Office, regarding hazard assessments of



Select target paragraph3