B.M. Dobyns and B.A. Hyrmer: Thyroid Neoplasms and Hydrogen Bomb Fallout



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Fig. 8. This female was exposed on Rongelap at | year of age. She experienced marked beta burns of the skin, epilation, leukopenia, and
thrombocytopenia. A bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy was done at age 12. The diagnosis at that time was adenomatousgoiter. Further surgery was
required in [983 for a recurrent growth at age 29. Total left lobectomy (essentially all of the right lobe had been removed atthefirst operation).
Diagnosis: Adenomatousgoiter. At the second operation A. two pathologists considered one of the lesions to be mixed papillary and follicular
carcinoma(x75). This shows a microfollicular lesion with debatable capsular invasion; however, postoperative scar confusedtheissue in this case.
B. High magnification of cells composing the edge of one lesion (x 200). C. A papillary lesion in another part of the lobe with the capsule intact


The early and frequent development of neoplasms in young
Rongelap people who were exposed in the early part of thefirst
decade oflife is one of the most significant findings in these
studies. Such lesions are very uncommonin the general popu-

lation of the world; but is dramatically emphasized here by the
failure to find masses in control children born after the accident
of exposed Rongelap parents.
From a knowledgeofthe cultural habits of the Marshallese, it
is known that the youngest exposed Marshallese (new born to

age 2) were being almost exclusively breast fed. Thus, much of
the iodine isotopes passed through the mother via the milk to
the tnfant. Upon review of the findings in the mothers of the 6

children who had been exposed in infancy (5 Rongelap; one
Utirik} and later were operated for masses, there were 3 of the
mothers who havealso been operated, 2 of which had carcinomas.
Two of 3 Rongelap children, who were exposed in utero
during the first and second trimesters and subsequently were

9). On Utirik where the fallout was much less than on Rongelap,
7 of 8 fetuses of pregnant women exposed are known to have
developed no nodules.
Benign neoplasms and carcinomas have been found in some
of the controls and in some of the Marshallese who presumably
had been in the more remote areas (Table 2). What happenedin
the fringe areas beyond Utirik is not known; however, later

there was detectable radioactivity in some wells on other
nearby atolls [3]. The major proportion of radioiodines were
short lived isotopes with half lives of seconds to minutes [2].

These caused most of the thyroid damage in people nearest to

the point of detonation. The '?'I (half life 8 days) represented

only about 1/10th of that of the shorter lived isotopes of iodine
in the cloud (2, 9}. Thus, the short lived isotopes had decayed

considerably before the cloud had reached the outer limits of

known spread. However, the '*'I, although diluted by disper-

function to concentrate radioiodine [28]. In the youngerfetus it

sion, would not have decayed significantly within the time
frame of the drift of the cloud. It is possible that some of the
supposedly unexposed people may have received small
amounts of attenuated fallout at the fringes of the cloud,
although it seems probable that such radiation would have
produced minimal, if any, biological effects.

operated. In one the lesion was a carcinoma; in the other the

of the occurrence of spontaneous neoplasmsin this population
andits relationship to the occurrence of neoplasmsin the fringe
areas. From time to time efforts were madein this study to find
a completely satisfactory group of controls. Even among the

operated at ages 19 and 25 respectively, had adenomas with

hyperplasia. At least one of these individuals, as a fetus at the
time of the accident, should have-developed sufficient thyroidal
is Impossible to judge whether thyroidal uptake and retention
took place at the time of the accident or lingered in mother’s
thyroid long enough to becomeavailable to the maturing fetus.
The 2 mothers of the fetuses later developed masses that were
Patient was operated twice for multiple atypical adenomas(Fig.

The uncertainty through out this study has been the question

first group of matched Rongelap controls who were clearly

Select target paragraph3