written statement listed several recommendations as follows:

(1) Establish two centers of isotope distribution in South America
to be operated, under the advice and assistance of the Isotopes Division of AEC, by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

Bulk isotopes, dollars

costs paid, would be delivered to these centers for distribution,


is a logical selection for the Pacific Coast and Rio de Janeiro for the
Atlantic side,
(2) Greatly increase the availability in the U.S, of facilities for
special study and training of Latin American students,

Simplify the

procedures by having the respective U.S, Embassies apply whatever selective criteria are necessary,

By keeping this program away from security

areas and making the acceptance of the student dependent on his being
granted a visa, apparent U.S, Government inconsistencies on security

grounds would be avoided,

While the AEC need make no charge for the

teaching and use of facilities, the respective countries should provide
the travel funds and stipends of their own students as their contribution to this part of the joint program,
(3) Initiate a conference to be held this year in Washington of
representatives of all interested Amorican governments for the purpose
of consulting on the form and substance of an international cooperative
atomic energy program for the area,
(4) Encourage an active program in agricultural applications of |
atomic energy through such means as duplicating the Brookhaven gamma


Select target paragraph3