Current Activities
of the Division of

Biology & Medicine
- Dr. Bugher

The first subject presented by Dr, Bugher

under current activities of the Division was the
international cooperation in the exploitation of

the peacetime applications of atomic energy.

He spoke of the President's

announcement before the United Nations' Assembly in December, 1953 and
of the many different facets of government operation as well as a certain
amount of diplomatic participation that would be involved if the

President's proposed program is going forward,

Dr. Bugher explained

that the international program would fall into three general categories,

(1) reactors, particularly for power production; (2) applications of
atomic energy in medicine; and (3) applications of atomic energy in
biology generally, with particular reference to agriculture.

He brought

out that Mr, Tammaro is studying these problems prior to presentation to
the Commission,

Plans are being formulated for an International Confer=

ence which is to be held the latter part of next year either abroad or
in the U, S, to discuss the peacetime uses of atomic energy.
In this connection, Dr, Bugher reported orally and presented a
written statement on his observations concerning a Pan American program
in peacetime applications of atomic encorgy as conceived during his visit
to South American countries,

He stated’ that there is a lack of realism

in most South American countries with atomic energy programs,

The prob-

lem therefore is one of education and growth along lines that are first
fundame?:tal and later into more elaborate ramifications,
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Dr, Bugher's

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