peaceful uses of atomic energy and it is one of the many that is being

sponsored by the USIA,

It will include a complete three room hot

laboratory fully equipped,

The exhibit is to be shown in eight differ-

ent cities in Germany and it is anticipated that one million persons
will attend in Berlin alone with about one-third to one-half of these
people coming from the East Zone,

Plans for Japan-

Dr, Bugher told of a planned conference

ese Conference

to be held in Japan in November, 195).


conference would be on matters which are essentially those of environmental contamination, particularly in the marine field biophysics,
and instrumentation permissible limits,

It is a non-medical conference,

Dr, Boss followed by giving an account of his visit to Japan with Dr,
Lauren Donaldson, discussing with various Japanese scientists, marine
biologists particularly, various aspects of the problems arising from
the spring tests, notably with relation to possible contamination of

fish and with some discussions upon the ways in which we arrive at permissible limits,

Out of this series of conferences came the idea for

an enlarged conference to be held in November, 195).
Fall-Ovt Operation

Dr. Bugher informed the committce of the
continuing problems and developments as result

of fall-out from Operation Castle,

He paid tribute to the assistance

provided by the staff of the NYOCO in supplying equipment for surveying

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