facilities and institutions under contract with the AEC,

In this connec-

tion, he said that the Division of Reactor Development had been planning
a reactor training school in reactor technology and engineering which

might begin in 1955 on a wholly unclassified basis,

Also that the Divi-

Sion of Research is planning a radioisotope training course at Oak
Ridge some time next spring open only to aliens.

The contribution of the

Division of Biology and Medicine is simply a matter of expanding what is
now under way.

It is felt that probably between 135 to 150 foreign

students could be accommodated in various and sundry types of training
within the next year, with training in industrial medicine; radiological
physics; industrial hygiene; radiation instruments (theory and uses); and
post doctoral research in biology and medicine for outstanding physicians

and scientists,
Dr. Burnett inquired whether the initial selection would come from
the country involved,

Dr, Dunham said that the country would select

the individual and he explained the details concerning how and where the
person would be sent for training.

Upon the conclusion of Dr. Dunham's

remarks on the training program, Mr, Salisbury added some pertinent information concerning the distribution of unclassified and declassified
publications of the AEC in the form of "libraries" to foreign countries,
Berlin Atomic Fair

Mr. Butenhoff spoke of the American exhibit

at the Berlin Atomic Fair.

He said it follows the general theme of the


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