Eneu Island, very few on Bikini Island, and coconut trees planted by the Trust
Territory in 1970 were not yet producing nuts.
As a result of the Bikini peoples' desire to relocate to Eneu Island if
possible, test plots of subsistence crops were established on Eneu Island in
order to develop a data base on radionuclide concentrations in subsistence
crops, concéntration ratios, residence times, etc.

This was done in August of

1977 and is part of the continuing field research program supported by DOE.
The only transuranic data in the marine environment at Bikini prior to 1972

were published by Welander 3, Pu concentrations in 2 entire fish samples
collected from Bikini in 1964 were rather high.

A complete assessment of

transuranic concentrations in marine species and the marine ecosystem was

warranted and the marine research program being conducted at Enewetak was
extended to Bikini atoll.
Because the preliminary dose estimates from the 1975 survey at Bikini
Island predicted that as local foods became available doses would exceed

federal guidelines and body burdens o f W376, andsr would increase,


whole body counting and urine bioassay program was expanded to the Bikini
people living at Bikini Atoll.

As predicted, many of the residents were found

to have body burdens of 13766 approaching the federal guidelines. !?

As a

result, the Bikini people were once again removed from Bikini Atoll and

relocated at Kili Island and other atolls in August of 1978.
In 1973 an AEC Task Group was established to develop cleanup criteria for
Enewetak Atoll.

Based upon recommendations of this group and other

information, a cleanup program was initiated in 1977 and completed in 1950.
The cleanup was directed toward removal of scrap and debris from the entire
atoll and toward soil removal to reduce transuranic radionuclide

Select target paragraph3