concentrations on several islands.

Subsequent to cleanup, an updated data

bank was developed including external gamma exposure rates and radionuclide
concentrations in the soil on all islands.

An updated assessment has been

completed for Enewetak Atoll] which includes radiological dose estimates for
all proposed living patterns at the atoll. 14
In addition to resettlement options at Bikini and Enewetak Atolls, the

U.S. Government had an interest in evaluating the radiological condition of 10
additional atolls and 2 islands (together with Bikini Atol] this is referred
to as the northern Marshall Island Multi-Atoll Survey) downwind of the proving
grounds prior to termination of the Trust Territory Agreement in 1981.


half of these atolls such as Rongelap and Utirik are inhabited; some have had

a minimum of environmental monitoring and others none at all.
A radiological survey of the external gamma exposure rates and the

terrestrial and marine environments was conducted at these atolls in late 1978
as part of the Northern Marshall Island Survey (NMIS) to assess the
concentrations in different components of the environment.

The data from this

survey are being used to evaluate, in the form of radiological dose
assessments, the probable consequenses of living on any of these atolls.

Select target paragraph3