

May 16, 1956

Tr, Leuren R, Coneldscn, SLrector
Applied Fisheries Laboratory
University of Washington

Seattle 5, Washington

[eax Toector tonsidson:

The Division of Elelogy and Medicinahea a requirenent for sone
ducting a rediobiclogical survey of Rongelap and Ailinginss atolls,

The primery purpose ef the survey is to evalube the residual radic- |


activity in the foods of the Rongelese and their enviroments, We
would like to have your organizstion make this inmportant survey
immediately after the present teat series,

Duplicete camples of som ef the material collected at the two atolls
should be sent to In, John Harley, Health and fafety Laboratory, Hew

York Cparetions Office,

It 4s imperative thet we have the eee

results as seen es possible,

Arrangements are being mede to obtain either surface or air trensporte-

tion to move your group emi equipment from Eniwetok to the atolls,
HTS orders will te lesued by the Eniwetok Fisid Office to fly your

personnel from either Trevie Air Poree base or Hiekam Field te Eniwe~

T am enclosing a list of representative samples in which we have the
greatest interest, and also several suggestions frem the staff,

*e realize your four assignments during emi iomedlately following
the test serles will tex the energies of your organizetion, se ve

appreciate your willingness to comduct this edditionsl survey for

the Commission, Tf we cen be of help in eny way, do not hesitete
to contact the Divigion staff,
~olneerely yours,
ee: Gar. Here SEG
Bon, ©, H, Hucker, Tr. Terr.
CHO + Washington

JTF-7, APO L37, S.F,

cL. ‘hunhan, He DB,

GON. Starirdsae


RK, Englund, ROO




“4, Zisenbud, RYOO


List of samples

Division of.‘Bolegy|anf Nedieine



dy Barley, W100
We De Clata

H, A, Stammod

Select target paragraph3