The contaminated scrap metal on Bikini Atoll has been observed on islands
adjacent to test locations,
These adjacent islands which ‘lie along the
northera and southern rim of the Atoll islands have been sunjected to heavy
fission product fallout as well as blast, thermal, and prompe vadiacion
along with water waves,
The scrap metai on these islands consist of a
wide range of sizes.
Not ail metal pieces in a given areca are radioective.
Though ows i cens may be similar in anpecrence and located side by side
may sac. is vestion of radioactivity wnile tnc scher coes not.
Pieces of
pipe mo,
s..w significant levels of radiation on one enc and noné on the
So.: of the scrap is oa the surface, some protruces from concrete
footing, sad some is near the ground surface just out of sight.
The lacter
cen bc
ouna oSing vadiation detectors and
vaping the soil to uncoves the

Results tcon the 1967 survey indicate chat a mgjor contributor to the

vaGialtivcn Zield in these scrap metal areas is Sloo,
This radionuclide
is TROL © Elssion product, but rather is induced radioactivity in trem,
of ira: anc steel which have been subjected to neutron irradiation.
fou.d ooth in the scrap metal and in the soil samples by the 1967

it is uwulikely that removal of the contaminated scrap metal from the
islancs adiccent to tests will make ¢ significant reduction in the
extern. vecdiation fields observed there.
For the present, the resettlemene ov. {ran is co be limited to the Sikini-Eneu complex, and no use is
co ba
uudc of the near test islands except possibly short visits co
eobieac fusd items such as birds, turtles, and their eggs. Removal of
ted Scrap that would otherwise be available can avoid some
ame Sobary cxposure. The effeccivencss o
furta.r strengthened by periodic surveys of vil
co Enouys thet ao contaminated scrap is collected
and Eneu,
Taerefore, the _ Purpose and objective of the radioactive screp removal
rte to make this contaminated material unavailable to the ponutacion
cl tra
26°51 Land thereby to prevent
radlonctive scuree buiidup Oe
serar collection activitics on Bikini end Encu.
Yhe following raécommencacione
are a..0. tu achieve the above-stated objective:
Weo.ce should be radiation monitoring capability to support clearing
ov. lations on Bikini and Eneu for determining whether test-related
sets that are turned up contain elevated levels of radioactivity.
3 would include a survey of the crea on Eneu (when it is clearec)
thal wo. use d as an aircraft decontamination loca


Select target paragraph3