






Conference Report

March 10, 1969
Page 4

All field work - whether staffed by H&N or military personnel -

will be directed by H&N.

From H&N's standpoint, one of the major problems has been the direction

of work in the field by Col. Rawlings and J. Merrill in addition to H&N.

Dr. Tobin stated that the Trust Territory would like to have all lumber,
wooden structures, and corrugated metal suitable for use by Bikinians as

firewood and/or building materials be left for salvage by the natives.


also offered to furnish guidelines for the cleanup which would be satisfactory
to the TT for Enyu and Bikini. (Note: Guidelines were furnished to Col.

Rawlings by Dr. Tobin on Wednesday, March 5.)

W. Bonnet recommended that a plan be developed prior to departure of
General deSaussure. J. Johnson stated that such a plan would be developed.
Note: plan for Enyu was submitted Sunday evening, March. 2, and plan for

Bikini Monday evening, March 3. W. Bonnet also raised question of hiring
natives tp assist in the cleanup. General deSaussure stated that there would’
be no resistance on his part to the move-in of natives by TT. W. Bonnet
directed question to General deSaussure as to when work was to commence
on Bikini. The answer - Monday, March 3. (J. Johnson had recommended
that due to limited equipment and manpower on hand, the cleanup work be
confined to Enyu.)


H&N moved equipment to Bikini on March 3,

opened up approximately 3 miles of road, the camp area, the 75' tower
area, and the Redstone area. Initial work was completed Wednesday,
March 5, and equipment returned to Enyu.
Subsequent to the meeting, General deSaussure and Col. Rawlings approved
an increase in H&N staffing from 15 to 18. This ceiling will continue through
June 30 with additional support furnished by military, as required.


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