continually monitor this circuit to receive any messages from aircraft

out of VHF range and pass necessary messages to the aircraft. The HF
air-to-ground circuit may be used by the Senior Controller for coordina~
tion or by Controller #5 if the sampling range exceeds VHFrange. Positions one and six will be received from the AOC and positions two through
five will be given to the AOC. Positions will be given using the aircraft

call sign, position and time aircraft reaches the position (PEWTER 1

position two at zero six one five), The operator receiving the positions
from the AOC will write the position information on a slip of paper and
give it to the Status Controller {PEWTER 1 position two at zero six one
five). The Status Controller will provide the monitor teller with the same
information for positions to be told to the AOC,

PLOTTER NUMBER ONE: Plotter #1 will receive positions on PEWTER 1,
2 and 3, HARDTIME 1, and VIKING aircraft from the teller for scopes two,
three and seven. The teller will give aircraft call sign, bearing and

range, (PEWTER 1, zero nine zero at forty), Arrows will be used to plot
the position of aircraft with the point of the arrow designating the
position of aircraft, Aircraft arriving and departing mission positions

will have three arrows showing flight path.

number 1 will be removed.

Upon plotting fourth arrow,

(2 _ 5... > 7. >)

08 7 “13

Aircraft upon reach-


ing assigned mission position will be plotted with only one arrow, the
last plotted position. The time will be placed by each arrow in minutes.
The teller will normally give a position on each aircraft each three

minutes, although in case an aircraft is in an emergency, a position and
time will be plotted each minute. Aircraft in emergency will take prior-

ity over other aircraft plots to insure constant plotting with
arrows to depict aircraft heading and position. After H-hour,
nications of Teller #1 will be used by the teller at scope six
plots on TIGER aircraft, from position two until taken over by
troller on scope five approaching positions three and on TIGER

the commto provide
the Conaircraft

released by scope five to scope six after departing position four for
position five,
and 2,

PLOTTER NUMBER TWO: Plotter #2 will receive positions on ELAINE 1

CASSIDY STABLE, WILSON and TIGER airoraft from the teller on scope

four ts), five (5) and six (6),

The teller will give aircraft call sign,

bearing and range (ELAINE 2, 180 at 10), arrows will be used to plot the
position of aircraft with the point of the arrow designating the position
of aircraft, Aircraft arriving and departing mission position will have

three arrows showing flight path and upon plotting the fourth arrow, arrow

number one (1) will be removed.

(_ _ _ y---)- C~1 y)



Aircraft upon

reaching mission station will be plotted with only one (1) arrow, tho last
plotted position,

The time will be placed by each arrow in minutes,


teller will normally give a position on each aircraft each three minutes.

In case of an aircraft emergency, a position and time will be plotted each
minute. Aircraft in emergency will take priority over other aircraft pics
to insure constant plotting with three arrows to depict aircraft heading
nosition and time,
EFFECTS STATUS CLERK: The Effects Status Clerk will enter the time
each aircraft reaches positions one through six in the appropriate space
as received from the status controller and tellers over his direct circuit,

The teller will state aircraft call sign, position and time (PEWTER 2

position one 0705), The only entry made by the status clerk will be the
time in the appropriate position opposite aircraft call sign. Positions
one and six will be told to the Effects Status Clerk by the Status Super-

visor. Positions two through five for PEWTER 1, 2 and 3, HARDTIME 1, 2
and 3, and VIKING eircraft will be received from the Teller for scopes Two,
Three and Seven,

The teller on scopes Four and Six will give position Two

through Five for ELAINE 1 and 2 respectively,




Select target paragraph3