STATUS CONTROLLER: The Status Controller is the Senior Controller's
assistant and will supervise operational control of the two (2) HF point-

to-point operators, HF operator, and the VHF relay operator
to insure that positions one through six are properly displayed on the

aircraft status boards.

He will receive positions one (2) and six (6)

from DIRTY FACE over one of the HF point-to-point circuits or through

the VHF relay circuit and will give positions two (2) through five (5)

to DIRTY FACE, Every effort will be made to keep all circuits open for
operations with the clearest circuit being used to interchange information
between DIRTY FACE and BOUNDARY TARE, All communication difficulties will
be reported to the Electronics Officer for corrective action, The HF air.
to~ground circuit will be continually monitored and when VHF contact can-

not be made with an aircraft the air-ground circuit will be used. An
additional selector switch is provided for all circuits for coordination
by the Senior Controller in the CIC,

A atatus log (Attachment 1) will be kept up to date by the status
controller to insure positions one (1) and six (6) are received from the

AOC and properly displayed on the CIC status boards and that positions

two (2) through five‘ (5)

are told to the AOC,

Positions will be told

between the AOC and CIC by giving call sign, position and time (PRWTER 2,
positions three, one zero two zero). Aircraft in emergency and assisting
aircraft or ships will take priority over other aircraft plots to insure
accurate positions. The Status Controller will be directly responsible
to tre Senior Controller.

TELLERS: The tellers will provide their plotter with a position on
each aircraft at least, each three minutes, In case an aircraft is in an

emergency, the frequency of plots will be increased to depict a constant
heading and position, The teller will give the plotter call sign for aircraft, bearing and range. (WILSON 1 zero two five at forty). The tellers
and plotters will use head and chest sets for reporting on a direct circuit.
The teller for scopes four, five and six will give positions two through
five to the Sampler Status Clerk and three minutes positions on CASSIDY 1,

WILSON 1, STABLE 1 and 2, FLOYD 1 and 2, ELAINE 1 and 2, and TIGER air-

craft to Plotter #2, The teller for scopes two, three and seven will give
positions two through five to the Effects Status Clerk, and three minute
positions on PEWTER 1, 2 and 3, HARDTIME 1 and VIKING aircraft to Plotter
#1. The tellers will be responsible to see that the plotted positions are
maintained on the operation board each three minutes on all aircraft. He

may read positions direct from controllers scope or obtain call sign, range
and bearing from thé seope controllers,

to the side of the controller,

His position will be behind and

After H-hour and scope controller #2, 3,

and 7 release control of assigned aircraft to DIRTY FACE their teller will

assist the teller for controllers #4, 5 and 6 for duration of mission.

HF AND VEF RELAY OPERATIONS: The HF point-to-point monitor-tellers
will make every effort, through the Electronics Officer, to keep these
circuits operational to the AOC, The primary purpose of these circuits
will be to pass aircraft positions and maintain coordination on operational
matters between the CIC and the AOC. The VHF relay will be a hack up for
the HF point-to-point circuits and provide an additional means of communiexntions between the AOC and CIC,



The HF air-ground monitor—teller will

Select target paragraph3