
H - 32 minutes for H ~30 minute time hack,

H - 3 minutes and remain on B until after H-hour,

Immediately after DIRTY FACE accepts control of PEWTER 2, Controller #2
will switch to Channel A and notify Controller #5 he is ready to accept
control of WILSON 1, Controller #5 will provide Controller #2 with

range and bearing of WILSON 1,

Controller $2 upon accepting control

of WILSON 1 will continue to track and report his position to the plotter.

At approximately H / 2 hours, WILSON 1 will be directed to conduct

Sampling Operation. The time of this operations will be decided by the
JTF SEVEN Radesafe Officer. WILSON 1 will be provided all significant
Rad-Safe forecasts prior to the Sampling Operation. Upon completion of
Sampling Mission by WILSON 1 the controller will provide a bearing and

range to Fniwetok.

When WILSON 1 is approximately ninety (90) miles from

Eniwetok he will switch to Channel C and call DIRTY FACE for control.

SCOPE CONTROLLER #3: Will begin his duties at start engine time for
PEWTER 3 or HARDTIME aircraft determined by the first to take off in
Annex C (Aircraft Mission Execution Chart). He will check scope 3 and

VHF Channel G to insure they are functioning properly and have his teller
check his commmmications with the effects status clerk and plotter #1.
He will monitor VHF Channel G from take off time in Annex © to receive

a call from PEWTER 3 and HARDTIME aircraft when approximately ninety (90)

miles from Eniwetok on course to assigned mission station in Annex D

(Aircraft H~hour Positions and Flight Patterns). When positive control
is established with PEWTER 3 and HARDTIME aircraft the teller will give
the status clerk the time control is accepted and start three minute

position reporting to the plotter. The controller will give PEWTER 3
and HARDTIME aircraft range and bearing to assigned mission stations.
When PEWTER 3 and HARDTIME aircraft reach respective mission stations

position three will be reported to the status clerk.

The controller will

Pye PEWTER 3 in a starboard race track pattern with approximately three
3) minutes legs broadside to Ground Zero. The controller will provide
PEWTER three (3) with range from Ground Zero each time he passes through

his assigned true bearing from Ground Zero.

Range will be given on both

East and West headings. The Controller will provide position reports and
necessary vectors to insure PEWIER 3 meeting his H-hour position within
accepted tolerance of plus or minus fifteen (15) seconds. Immediately
after H-hour, PEWTER 3 will fly at his own discretion to photograph cloud
for approximately fifteen minutes. The Controller will continue to track
PEWTER 3 and give him range and bearing to base upon completion of mission,
When PEWTER 3 departs cloud area for base, the teller will give position
four to the status clerk, The controller will maintain control until control is accepted by DIRTY FACE at which time position five will be told

to the status board. Scope Controller #3 will have PEWTER 3 and HARDTIME
aircraft switch to Channel B for the following time hacks:


2 hours and 2 minutes for H -2 hour time hack.
1 hour and 2 minutes for H - 1 hour time hack.
32 minutes for H ~ 30 minutes time hack,
3 minutes and remain on B until after H-hour.

HARTIME 1 will be lead aircraft for formation and be the only aircraft
showing IFF, The controller will vector HARDTIME 1 to his assigned mission
station in Annex D.

HARDTIME 2 and 3 will position themselves on HARDTIME

1. The controller will periodically check HARDTIME 2 and 3's position
relative to HARDTIME 1 and issue necessary instructions td aid them in
meeting H-hour positions, After H-hour, mission complete, HARDTIME 1 will

assume lead aircraft position and be given a range and bearing to Eniwotok.


Select target paragraph3