Operations Plan - Mission No. 1l FY 1979 Page 4 vit. FUNDING Logistics costs for Liktanur II are to be charged to DOE research vessel account No. 94015. Other costs may be incurred which relate separately to BNL and should be properly charged to that I.D. No. 94008. The DOE Coordinator Kwajalein is to carefully review costs as detailed in monthly statement from Global Associates. SUBSISTENCE CHARGES VIII. All BNL related personnel will be billed by H&N, $6.00 per day for subsistence and quarters and charges while on board, in accordance with PASO SOP No. 2, TTPI personnel will be provided S&Q by BNL with no charge to TTPI or the individual. IX. REPORTS The Party Chief is to submita report on the mission no later than 30 days after completion of the operation to the Director, PASO with an information copy to the Assistant for Pacific Operations, Office of the Manager, NV. This report should be concise and cover all pertinent information such as adequacy of support, and offer any comments or recommendation which will improve future operations. BAe ey a p f : aw I «| 4