Operations Plan - Mission No. 11 FY 1979 Page 3 240 cans spam 120 cans baked beans (large) 2 ea. 100 lbs. doughnut mix 25 ea. 2 1b. cans shortening 18 cases powdered milk 200 lbs. dry beans 4 ea. x-ray developer concentrate (ea. solution). to make 5 gal. working to make 5 gal. working 10. 4 ea. x-ray fixer concentrate (ea. solution). di. 16 MM projector, small generator, cables, etc. to take to islands. 12. Three family type movies. DOE/DNA Coordinator i. Insure all in NoS.1-11 above are procured and on board, island clearance obtained, manifest prepared and forwarded to H&N, vehicles provided as necessary. Work with H&N/PTD (Mr. Murawski) on procurement problems. 2. Insure dental equipment installed per BNL instructions. H&N/PTD 1. All travel, orders, clearances, vehicle support in Honolulu and hotel reservations. 2. Rent movies (No. 3. Procurement of gift food not available at Kwaj. 12 above) and send to J. Watt, Kwaj. DOE/PASO i. To provide feedback to BNL medical resulting from Harry Brown's trip to Majuro, Ebeye, Rongelap and Utirik. 2. Prepare and coordinate dissemination of mission information including schedules. NOTE: BNL personnel will arrange meetings on Majuro and Ebeye requested by Dr. Pratt in his letter of August 9, 1979 to W. J. Stanley. 19 “oor