

Whe do Thave to) s esamined every vear?
Dosiors si do not know everything about radiation sickness so they are cheching

you tamase sure that vou are healthy. They check you eveiv year so that if you are
sick, they can find it early and treat vou. Doctor Conard’s team treat many people
every year, even when :he sickness docs not comefrom radiation. The Congressof
Micronesia recomimenusthat everyone tuke the examination.
Whyare some people hecaming sick now 20 years alrer ihe test?
The radianen was in ther bones and certain par.s of their bodies such as the thy-

roid lind. Doctors still don’t unslerstand how radiation causes disease. That is why
they are checking you every year to make cure you are healthy.

Why do vou love to take our blood? urine?
The doctors check vour bload to fine out if you have blood disease. They check
your urineto find omif you have other diseases. For example, Dr. Conard found
some peonle with diabetes (sugar sickness} whichis not caused by radiation andhe
was able to give them medicine. Another reason is that the urine removes radiation
from your body so the ductors want to find outif you still have radiation.
Whido they take our blood for examination and then thraw some of it away?
Vhe dociors take your blood to studyi. They need to study your blood three or
four times so they want to make sure that they have enough blood. Itis better to
take more Dioud than not cnouweh because ifthey need more, they don’t have to stick

the necdic inte your arm again. You have plenty of bloud so it won't hurt vou to

ose a little.

Blood Test

Itts not vour good blood that

wsthracn away. The du tors

take cul the wond parts ofyour

blood that incy needfor bsting.

-* Goud

» Bud


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