a. NOTEDthat the leaflet on radiation and radiation protection

(Appendix **A'’ to AEC 440) would be revised to Incorporate any new

data on radiation effects which might have been obtained during

b, AUTHORIZEDprinting by the Government Printing Office of the
leaflet (Appendix ‘*A*' to AEC 440) for public distribution, subject to

possible revision in accordance with a above;

c. NOTED that, unless special considerations indicate the advisability of Commission action, futurc proposed leaflets for use in
answering inquiries from the General Public, students and school

officials, and civic and study groups will be submitted to the General
Manager for approval, and upon such approval, will be circulated
to the Commission for information; and

d. NOTEDthat the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy will be advised

of this action by letter such as that in Appendix *'C"' to AEC 440,

(Mr. Glennan, consulted the following day, advised of his concurrenee in

the above action.)

Dr. McDaniel and Dr. Platt entered the mecting during discussion of the
following items.

AEC 438/1 - Proposed Visit to Brookhaven National Laboratory by

Professor Louis Bugnard (France)

Mr. Colby and Mr, Henderson reported orally additional information

requested by the Commission (at Mecting 563) regarding the source and

authenticity of allegations made about Prof. Louis Bugnard of France considered in connection with his proposed unclassified visit to BNL which had
the strong support of the Department of State. After further discussion, the
NOTED that arrangements would be made for Prof, Louis Bugnard,
Adviser to the Atornic Energy Commission of France, to make an
unclassified visit to the BNL,

(Mr, Glennan, consulted the following day, advised of his concurrence in

the above action.)

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Select target paragraph3