{Mr. Glennan, consulted the following day, advised of his concurrence
in the above action.)

Redesignation of Position of Special Assistant to the Director, Division

of Reactor Development
The General Manager explained that the long-range planning duties of

the Special Assistant to the Director, Division of Reactor Development, had

expanded in scope and complexity to the point where a redesignation of that
position was appropriate. After discussion, the Commission:
a. NOTED WITH APPROVALthe redesignation of the position of
Special fissistant to the Director, Division of Reactor Development, to
Assistant Director (Technical), Division of Reactor Development;

b. NOTED that Dr. George L. Weil, formerly Special Assistant to
the Director, Division of Reactor Development, will serve as Assistant
Director (Technical) Division of Reactor Devclopment without change in
grade or salary.

{Mx. Glennan, consulted the following day advised of his concurrence

in the above action.)

At this point Messrs. Colby and Henderson entered the meeting.

AEC 440 - Twenty-seven Questions and Answers About Radiation and
Radiation Protection

Under consideration was a draft text on the above subject prepared by the
Director of Information Services as one of the AEC leaflet series,
Mr. Dean said he understood that the subject leaflet had been prepared
prior to completion of GREENHOUSE shots at which rather claborate
provision had been made for the measurement of radiation effects and he
suggested that should new data be available as a result of the GREENHOUSE
tests, the leaflet be revised as appropriate prior to printing for public release.
After further discussion, the Commission:

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