ofresearch facts, measurements, and ideas and the people who developed them. In nearhy 2000

pages of text, appendices, and indices, t covers theartopics during the period from the late
nineteenth century to the present. 7 is an essential work tor anyone interested in virtually any
aspect ofradiation and lis effects.

‘The atlached Records Transfer/Data Input forme list the background materials compiled by Dr.
Stannard. The collection contains material of Interest to serious studenss ofradiationand Hs
effects as weil ag io others. 2 inchides donated documents, reports, articles, and tapes and
transeripis of orel history uderviews. The collection is scheduled for transfer to the Richland ,
Washington State Universiry canrus in the near future.
The box inventories may aot redlect the present condition ofthese records.
Arranging for Access to Inactive Records Produced by Pacific Narthwest National
Laboratory—Rackground Meterials for Radioactivity ead Health: A History: Access to
unclassified portions of these rexterials can be arranged under provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act (FOLA) An POLA request may be subeatited, or additional information about
the records obtamed, by contacting the Richland Operations Office FOLA officer at:

Freedom of Information Act Officer, A7-7%

US. Depertment of Enerey
2G. Box 350

Richland, WA 99352
Phone: 302-116-6216.
Some of the records on the attached box inventories may have previcusly been made avaiable at
the DOE reading room in Richland. These records may be reviewed and duplicated at the reading
room. There is a fee for duplication. The reading rocm can be reached at:
DOE Public Beading Room

100 Sprout Road

Richland, WA 99452

Phone: 509-376-BS23

Eeameil: ReadingRoom@onlmov

Select target paragraph3