It has revealed a facet of their nature that was overwhelming.

-played in your lives.
Throughout the program,


the Marshallese always conducted themselves with complete

Theirs was the wisdom born of many sorrows and hardships.

They were respon-

sible and objective in their statements apologizing for being emotional when their
conduct was the essence of composure and restraint.
poeple, with good reason for being so.

They are a proud and sensitive

At each lecture meeting,

three flags always

flew in the stiff wind--the UN, the TT, and the United States--the latter flag honoring
‘a nation known for its sincerity in keeping to its commitments and its humanitarian
Our sincere thanks to Drs. V. Bond, R. Conard, K. Knudsen, Mr. C. Meinhold and
Mr. A. Hull for giving us this most unique opportunity in the realm of education.
Dr. W. Weyzen


(DOE), our gratitude for recognizing the urgent need ane funding us to

carry out the task.

And finally, to the Health Physics Society and you ladies and

gentlemen our thanks for sharing this experience of ours.


Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, July 1974, Question and Answer
Booklet on Effects of Fallout on Rongelap and Utirik.


United States Energy Research and Development Administration, March 1975,
Radiological Conditions at Enewetak Atoll and Protection of Future

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