: 7 t/ ae frre Coreg Wile FAS Fie BS C ——— 40,274 is RS RUTGEISS THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY March 20, 1979 LIVINGSTON COLLEGE + GRAOUATE PROGRAMIN ANTHROPOLOGY NEW BRUNSWICK - NEW JERSEY 08903 - 201/932-2593 Dr. Hugn Pratt Medical Building Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York 11973 Dear Dr. Pratt, IT am a former Peace Corps volunteer who spent two years on Utirik Atoll in the Marshall Islands. At present, I am doing preparatory research for my doctoral dissertation in socio-cultural anthrovology, particularly in relation to the ways in which the radioactive fallout has affected the Islanders. It is in this sense that. I am writing you. First of all, I would like to invite you to participate in a symposium T have been asked to chair for the American Associ- ation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Francisco during January of 1980 for that organization's annual meeting. The title of the symposium is ""thno-Epidemiology: The Marsnall Islanders Twenty-Five Years After "=xposure to Radiation.” I propose to discuss the radiological findings—-both short and long-term in the exposed Marshallese vopulations, and especially in relation to the enigmatic properties of the radioiodines. As resident physician in the Marshalls under the aegis of Brookhaven, you would be able to relate firsthand knowledge concerning the ongoing problems facins the Marshallese, and your presence at this symposium would greatly benefit those in attendance. Aside from yourself, I have invited Dr. Conard, who has headed the Marshalls study over the years, and do hope that hewill be able to participate in the symposium. I have also invited the following people: Dr. Frank. von Hipvel, a physicist from the Department of Environmental Sciences at Princeton University who svecializes in radiation science; Dr. Helen Caldicott, a pediatrician from Boston Children's Hospital wno has expertise in radiation-induced pathologies; Dr. John Gofman, a chemist from the UC Lawrence Radiation Laboratory who specializes in radiation science; and Dr. Konrad Kotrady from the University of Utah Medical School, who formerly worked in the Marshalls under Brook— haven. JI have also invited an anthropologist--Dr. Robert Kiste from the University of Hawaii--to participate in order to provide the symposium with ethnographic information concerning Marshallese