

Dr. Hugh Pratt
March 20, 1979

society and culture.
It is my intention, and thus the cross-disciplinary nature
of the symposium participants, to discuss the manifold ways in
which the fallout has affected this unique island population, and
the numerous problems encountered over the years in relation to
data collection, and especially interpretation.
In addition, the symposium will examine the ecological effects

(if any.



and the


in which Marshallese culture has

been touched by the ongoing radiological problems.

It was my

experience that there existed a monumental chasm between the

Marshallese perspective (or "emic" in anthropological terms), and
the perspective maintained by the U.S. doctors (or "etic"), and

it might be fruitful to explore these differing perspectives in

order to ultimately improve the medical treatment of the people.
In that sense, I would hope that my research and eventual disser-—
tation will benefit both the Marshallese and the Brooknaven team.
In that context, I have another request:
Is there any
possibility tnat I might accompany you aodoard the “Liktanur”
during the June survey?
The opportunity to visit the Marshalls
with your team would be invaluable for my research, and JI would
also appreciate the chance to see my friends on Utirik once avain.

I realize that space aboard your ship is at a premium, but I am

actually not very large in stature, and would neatly fit into the
smallest space.
Additionally, I would expect to vay for all of



associated with such a venture.


how you feel about this.


let meknow

would very much appreciate hearing from you about

the present state of the exposed (and non- exposed) Marshallese
Anything you can convey would be


Well, Dr. Pratt, I am looking forward to hearing from you
in the near future, and wish you the best of luck in tne Marsnalls.
And please pass on a "Yokwe Kom" to my friends on Utirix:

Sincerely yours,

Yew HMMiateeg
Glenn H. Alcalay



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