Most of the oceanic tests were conducted at the Pacific Proving Ground,

which consisted principally of the Enewetak and Bikini Atolls in the
northwestern Marshall Islands of the Pacific Ocean.

in the easternmost part of Micronesia.

The Marshall Islands are

The Marshalls spread over about 2

million km? of the earth’s surface, but the total land area is only about 180

Two parallel chains form the islands:

Ratak (or Sunrise) to the east,

and Ralik (or Sunset) to the west; both Enewetak and Bikini are in the Ralik

chain at its northern extreme.

Figure 5 shows these islands in the central

It also indicates the locations of the Christmas and Johnston

Islands, the sites for most of the DOMINIC I tests.
Most of the continental U.S. (CONUS) atmospheric tests were conducted at
the Nevada Test Site (NTS).

Established by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

in December 1950, the NTS is in the southeastern part of Nevada, 100
kilometers northwest of Las Vegas.

Figure 6 shows the current NTS, an area of

high desert and mountain terrain now encompassing approximately 3,500 square
kilometers in Nye County.

On its eastern, northern, and western boundaries,

the NTS adjoins the Nellis Air Force Range.
The format of this chapter is generally consistent for the following
sections, each of which summarizes a nuclear test series.

The section begins

by identifying the nuclear events and continues by discussing relevant
background and objectives, test operations, and radiation doses.


teams provided data current as of 1 May 1986 on the radiation doses.

The rest

of the material derives from the volumes published by the Defense Nuclear
Agency (DNA) on the nuclear test series.

These volumes, listed in Appendix E,

can be consulted for further information.

*Throughout this chapter, surface distances are given in metric units. The
metric conversion factors include: 1 meter = 3.28 feet; 1 meter = 1.09
yards; and 1 kilometer = 0.62 miles. Vertical distances are given in feet;
altitudes are measured from mean sea level, while heights are measured from
surface level, unless otherwise noted.


Select target paragraph3