The publication of For the Record: A History of the Nuclear Test

Personnel Review Program, 1978-1986 marks the conclusion of the most active
period of the Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) program, established by the
Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) in 1978.

The volume has two purposes:

(1) to

provide the public with useful information concerning personnel participation
in U.S. atmospheric nuclear testing and the postwar U.S. occupation of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and (2) to provide a public accounting of the NTPR
effort, which has involved a series of actions on behalf of the nuclear test
participants and veterans of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki occupation.

The text

is directed to a diversified readership, including veterans, Congress, the
media, and other interested parties.
For the Record attempts to serve the public by being relatively concise.
This one volume synthesizes relevant information from a substantial number of
published sources, including the 41-volume, 9,029-page history of atmospheric
nuclear testing published earlier by the Defense Nuclear Agency.

It also

presents data elicited from unpublished sources, such as letters, memoranda,
and speeches, and from interviews with NTPR personnel.

Readers desiring

additional information should consult the original sources, which are identified at the end of each chapter and in Appendices D through F.
The body of this history divides into three basic parts.

Chapters 1, 2,

and 3 introduce the NTPR program and highlight organizational contributions.
Chapters 4 through 6 concentrate on the nuclear operations, describing the
detonations, personnel participation, and radiation safety measures.


7 and 8 focus on radiation dose, the former on radiation dose determination

and the latter on medical studies of potential dose effects.
Chapter 1, Introduction to the Defense Nuclear Agency and the NTPR ©
Program, contains the heart of the book.

It identifies the origins, scope,

and accomplishments of the program and then presents a summary table of
radiation doses for veterans of the nuclear tests and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki


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