WASHINGTON, D.C. 20380-0001
May 1984
Second Marine Division Association Members
Dear Fellow Marine:

Please excuse the informality of this letter, but this is the best way for me to
get in touch with you.
Since 1978, the Marine Corps Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) has been
trying to identify every Marine who participated in at least one nuclear weapon
event. The purpose of the NIPR is to campile data on Marines who could have
been exposed to weapon-induced ionizing radiation. NTPR data will be studied in
an effort to elucidate the health effects of exposure to low-level ionizing
radiation. The Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) is the NTPR executive agency for
the Department of Defense.

Marines of the Second Marine Division have taken an active role in America's use
and development of nuclear weapons. Nagasaki, Japan, was destroyed by a nuclear
weapon on August 9, 1945, and Second Division Marines occupied that area somdé
six weeks later. Between 1945 and 1962, the United States conducted 235
atmospheric nuclear weapon detonations and tests in which many Second Division
Marines participated.
If you participated in the post World War II occupation of Nagasaki or in at

least one nuclear weapon test, I urge you to call DNA's toll-free NTPR telephone


Call 800-336-3068 to provide some basic information about your role in

nuclear weapon-related events.
If you know other Marines whom we: might be
interested in hearing fran, please pass this information on to them.

It has been our experience that Marines are able to provide for the NTPR much
useful information that normally cannct be obtained fran service records. To
contact the Marine Corps NTIPR, write to Cammandant of the Corps (Code MMRB-60),
Washington, D.C. 20380. If you already have contacted DNA, please keep your
mailing address current by calling the toll-free number.
Best wishes to you, and I hope that your reunion will be a great success.


Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve

Project Coordinator
Marine Corps Nuclear Test Personnel Review

By direction of the Cammandant of the Marine Corps

Figure 2. Letter sent to the Second Marine Division Association
as part of the MCNTPR Outreach Program.

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