Response to File A Personnel.

The AFNTPR has essentially finished its File A

effort, meaning its letters to participants who called DNA on the toll-free

The team has completed 8,047 File A cases, which comprises 100

percent of the currently known Air Force cases.

Should DNA forward any

additional cases, AFNTPR is prepared to conduct the necessary research (14).
The AFNTPR has been responsible for a lesser number of File A personnel
than have the NNTPR and the ANTPR. The task for the AFNTPR has been
compounded, however, because many Air Force participants attended more than
one series and thus required comparatively more research.
Assignment of Doses.

The compilation of dose information for Air Force test

participants is also nearing completion.

As of 1 May 1986, the AFNTPR had

identified 23,403 of the estimated total participants (14).

This data base

will become an integral part of the Air Force Master Radiation History
Repository at OEHL.
Notification of Medical Examination Programs.

The Air Force has 32

participants in the Over-25-rem Program, which is the largest number of
participants for this program among the NTPR teams.

Twenty five of the Air

Force participants were stationed on Rongerik Island and took part in Shot
BRAVO of the 1954 Operation CASTLE (see section 4.10).
Cloud-sampling pilots and crews often received higher doses than did
other test participants because their missions required them to fly near and
through the clouds resulting from the nuclear detonations.

The cloud~sampling

teams were commonly authorized special exposure limits so they could
accomplish their assigned tasks.

As noted in chapter 4, these limits ranged

from 3.9 rem at such series as BUSTER-JANGLE, TUMBLER-SNAPPER, IVY, UPSHOTKNOTHOLE, and TEAPOT, among others, to 10 rem at Operation HARDTACK II and
20 rem at Operation DOMINIC I.
The next table presents statistics on the Over-25-rem Program,

Volunteer Observer Program, and the Over-5-rem Program.


The AFNTPR has noti-

fied all personnel in these categories that have identifiable addresses (14).


Select target paragraph3